***We are currently accepting donations to establish an emergency relief fund to address the adverse impacts that COVID-19 continues to have in our community.
Your contribution gives us the possibility to give emergency relief awards. We want to continue supporting creative spirits in Los Angeles County and we would love your help.***

The Women’s Center for Creative Work (WCCW) is the fiscal receiver for the emi kuriyama spirit award and the emi kuriyama emergency relief award. 100% of all donations will go towards these two grant initiatives. We are a very small operation of volunteer organizers and administrators — every little bit matters to us. Thank you so very much.

You may also write a check to WCCW and send via snail mail with "emi kuriyama spirit award" in the memo line.

Women’s Center for Creative Work
2425 Glover Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90031

Liz Ahn, homebody, 2018, Visitor Welcome Center, Los Angeles, CA.

Liz Ahn, homebody, 2018, Visitor Welcome Center, Los Angeles, CA.